Analysis: New York State Voter Assessment – October 2022
New York State
State Analysis
Key Observations
New York state currently has 13,150,099 voters on its voter rolls, either as active or inactive. Of this number, there are over 1 million more women (7,073,485) than men (6,035,239). For those over 50 years old, 55% are female, while only 45% are male.
While state registration numbers are split 50/50 between voters over 50 years of age and voters under 50, the 50+ tend to vote in far higher numbers than younger voters. In Presidential years, the voting patterns are similar to the registration ratio. In off year and primary elections, however, the 50+ tend to comprise over 75% of all voters.
Registered Republicans are most likely to be 50+ (62%), while registered Democrats and smaller parties are evenly split between voters over and under 50. Independent voters (those who are “blank” or are not registered to a political party) are the youngest as a group and only 39% are 50 years or older. Interestingly, this general pattern holds true for registration numbers in every region and almost every county. The only significant exception is in New York City, where the majority of voters are under 50 years of age and with almost 2/3 of independent voters under 50 years old.
In the August 2022 Primary, electing party candidates for US House of Representatives and the New York State Senate, as well as a Special Election in the 19th and 23rd Congressional Districts, 75% of the overall vote was comprised of New Yorkers 50+. This broke down further with 84% of Republican voters and 71% of Democrats being 50+. Not every district had a primary or special. When the scope is widened to those who voted in any primary or special election in 2022 (including state level primaries), the ratios are similar with the 50+ comprising 73% of all voters, 81% of Republicans and 70% of Democrats
The data also includes a look at voters who had voted in each of the last 4 general elections in 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018, which encompasses at least one full term for most elected offices. These voters can be expected to be the most likely to vote in any upcoming election. In almost every region and county, the 50+ comprise over 75% and often well over 80% of these votes. Even in New York City, which trends younger, a full 2/3 of these “super voters” are 50+ years of age. Interestingly, whereas the majority of the much vaunted independent (non-partisan) voters in all regions are under 50, those in the 4 of 4 group are 78% 50+, similar to Republicans (82%) and Democrats (74%). Thus, the 50+ comprise the vast majority of those voters most likely to vote across all party and non-partisan election types.
The data for this assessment was received from the New York State Board of Elections with information dated as of September 6, 2022. Registration numbers include active as well as inactive voters whose status has not been marked as purged from the state database. Election results may include voters who have been marked as purged subsequent to their participation in an election.
Voted in August 2022 Primary or Special
By Age
No Data Found
By Party
No Data Found
Voted in August 2022 Election Primary or Special
By Age
No Data Found
By Party
No Data Found
State Registration
By Age
No Data Found
By Party
No Data Found
No Data Found
Voted in the 2020 General Election
By Party
No Data Found
By Age
No Data Found
Voted in all of the last 4 General Elections (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)